Morning, Noon, or Night? Possibly break time? So many of us work for 40+ hours at least 5 days a week. But lets add in time to get ready, commute to and from work, kids, plus dinner and everything else that needs to get done before the next day. How many of us are guilty of saying that we don't have time to work-out?
I have been working from home for the last 4 years and I am about to be back in a real business office next month. All I keep thinking is how will I find time to incorporate yoga into my daily routine. I am definitely not a morning yoga person. I require coffee and great stretching, but definitely have a difficult time even thinking about touching my toes.
Looks like I have two options. Make my way to the gym in the office building, or get my yoga on in the evening. I am very much an evening yoga person. I love that I can sweat, stretch my muscles, and hit a warm shower to help decrease my muscle soreness. However, how many of you notice that your creativity and productivity increases from yoga? I work my best after I have spent a little time on my mat.
Decisions, decisions... Why can't I do both yoga at work and in the evening? So I have decided that I will take a little time during my lunch to pull out my yoga mat. A little brain power never hurts. Then I can end my evening with some bed time yoga. Don't forget that I still have weekends to whip out some deep down soul searching yoga time. I am determined to make this work for me.
It doesn't need to be a 30 minute to an hour yoga session. If we can spend 20 minutes looking at our social media, or 30 minutes watching TV, then we can rock out a 10 to 15 minute yoga session. Just imagine how good you will feel. Getting your blood flow pumping, increasing your level of happiness, feeling focused, and peaceful.
Stay tuned for another blog post soon that will include a short yoga flow to help get you started. You can also visit my blog post Sun Salutation for another flow that helps to get you started.