This weekend I held my first ever, Parent & Me Yoga class! Of course, my class was not complete without having my sweet, high energy, ready for anything 2-year-old nephew join me on the mat. It was such a fun experience, but it taught me a few things while I taught.
We are not the teacher, the children are. I had a plan but took me for a wild ride.
Be ready to expect anything. Even if they are wanting to give the dog attention that is not exactly wanted.
Of course, my mic will have a malfunction, so the cutest video that I want to cherish has its own agenda.
But after all of this, it was still one of my favorite classes to teach. Giving the kids positive affirmations that they can take with them off the mat. Giving them the tools of connection through yoga and calming the negative chatter they may have going on inside them by repeating affirmations.
I absolutely loved this moment. If you are looking for a fun yoga class to take with your little one, you can find it right here: Parent & Me Yoga (January 2021)