Padmasana, also known as Lotus Pose is one of the positions that I have grown to love and enjoy.
This pose can be a little uncomfortable when you first start. Most of us do not sit on the floor regularly and stretch our legs by pulling our feet towards our stomach. It is extremely important that any time you are performing any exercise or pose, that you do not force it as it could lead to discomfort or even possible injury.
This pose has many benefits:
Opens up the hips
Stretches the ankles and knees
Calms the brain
Increases awareness and attentiveness
Keeps the spine straight
Helps develop good posture
Eases menstrual discomfort and sciatica
Helps to keep joints and ligaments flexible
Stimulates the spine, pelvis, abdomen, and bladder
Restores energy level

Lotus Pose Variation
Stretch! Stretch! Stretch! Below is a Yoga Sequence I am providing you that will help with opening your hips to ease you into a comfortable Louts Pose. Hold each of the positions for 1 minute.

Here is a Video on how to perform a Half Lotus Fold
The lotus pose helps to clear my mind. It is a pose that allows me to close my eyes and just focus on my breathing.
Enough by David Whyte
Enough. These few words are enough.
If not these words, this breath.
If not this breath, this sitting here.
This opening to the life
we have refused
again and again
until now.
Until Now.