Trees can represent many areas in our life. It may represent family, balance, life, and nature. We may look at a tree and think of it's age, the strength it has to withstand a large storm, the roots that keep it grounded. A tree to me is a gift that provides us with beauty, symbolism in our life, but also provides all of us on earth the oxygen required to sustain life.
What better way, then to start off your Monday with the juicy goodness you will find in the Tree Pose aka. Vrksasana. The Tree Pose has many benefits that include posture, balance, focus, and strength.

When I am in this pose, my mind is envisioning my foot that is on the ground as being the roots of a tree. I can feel the different parts of my foot finding it's place of comfort. If you are uncomfortable or nervous about your balance in this pose, feel free to place the back of a chair in front of you to hold. Place your other foot comfortably against your inner thigh. You may place this foot below the knee in order to establish your balance. Think about your entire body, spine all the way to your feet, pulling yourself as straight as you can. Breath, activate your core, be present, and find a focal point.
The Tree Pose has many inversions. I have created a video of the different types of tree poses that I use throughout my flows.
My Tree Pose Journey
This pose gave me the power and courage to try other poses. I did not have the ability to hold this pose for a long period of time in the beginning. I battled trying to find my focal point. Why? When my mind is running through a million things, it can be difficult to actually focus. 5 minutes of sitting in peace or meditation will do the trick. Even today, there are moments when my balance is off. I remain humble through my journey.
I would see Yogi's on Instagram post these amazing Tree poses with their own flare. Of course they look simple, until you actually try it out for the first time. Moments like this actually give me the drive to keep digging. Let others inspire you. Be creative.
This is a pose that I practice often. In fact, I find myself talking to my husband in the kitchen while I unconsciously work myself into this pose.

For those of you that enjoy "Earthing", also known as grounding, this pose is perfect. Connecting your bare skin with the ground while being in the present moment. Tap into your divine self with the intent to find the real YOU. Inner Divinity!!!
Advice from a Tree
Stand tall and proud
Sink your roots into the earth
Be content with your natural beauty
Go out on a limb
Drink plenty of water
Remember your roots
Enjoy your view