So many are thanking me for providing a yoga class that is all about incorporating modifications for each pose. Adding modifications and using props can provide you with the support that your body and mind are needing.

Taking a seated pose, such as Staff Pose (Dandasana) doesn't look very difficult. When I take this pose, I have learned that adding a folded blanket underneath my tailbone decreases the pain that I feel in my lower back. We engage many muscles in this pose, which tends to flex the muscles around my lower spine. This is an incredible strengthening pose for the lower back and can improve your posture. The first time you take this pose, you may feel discomfort, which most of us will choose to skip in our practice.
If you have discomfort in your knees, you can use this folded blanket as a cushion. When you are trying to touch your toes, use a yoga strap or a scarf to give you the space your body needs. Overstretching will only cause a new injury or a re-injury.
So many of us stick to certain yoga poses for comfort. The type of comfort where we know how to take the pose, and one that our body allows us to take comfortably. If you shy away from a pose, this is for you. Giving yourself a way of experiencing the release by using a blanket, block, book, cushion... understanding what can that do for you internally & externally.
We are human, and achievement is something that makes our heart skip a beat from excitement. Who says it can't be done with a modification! Taking modifications is a game changer!