The Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz
The powerful message in this book sparked the craving for the change I needed in my life. I wanted to be thankful for everything I have, and to stop focusing on what I don't have. To heal wounds inside that were affecting me everyday as I was only using them as an excuse to be the way I was. This book gave me the encouragement to find MY personal freedom. The excerpt below from the book is how I was before my journey started. Blind and afraid.
"We don't see the truth because we are blind. What blinds us are all those false beliefs we have in our mind. We have the need to be right and to make others wrong. We trust what we believe, and our beliefs set us up for suffering. It is as if we live in the middle of a fog that doesn't let us see any further than our own nose. We live in a fog that is not even real. This fog is a dream, your personal dream of life" ~ Michel Ruiz
This book is about 138 pages, which I started and finished on a 4.5 hour flight across the US. My perspective of life changed from that day forward. This isn't a book I have read just one time. I keep this book on my Kindle so that any time I feel myself leading down a path that does not bring me pure happiness, or when I feel my life is chaotic and difficult, I can be reminded of my agreements to myself.

My favorite Agreement "Always Do Your Best" brings out the honest effort. Doing your best today may be different than what doing your best looks like tomorrow. There are moments when I fall back into my old habits, It's OK. We are all human. Have patience. A new day, a new mindset, I can always do my best to get myself right back on the path where I left off. I show up and do my best in the present moment, while practicing forgiveness and releasing the past.
Be. Here. Now.
If you are looking for a book that will impact you in many areas of your life, then look no further. You won't be disappointed.