I'm back! Sorry for being MIA, but it was exactly what I needed for the last couple of months. New job, transitioning to commuting, and keeping up with my daily life along with my self care has been my number one priority.
How do you spend your days off work? I have been spending these last several weekends with my family. No longer working from home has been a change for both myself and my family, and I am dedicated to giving them my off time. But I never forget about my own self love, self care, and wellness.
This morning has been a morning of Sunday SelfCare. I gave my body the extra rest it needed this morning by not setting my alarm. As soon as I awoke, I turned on some relaxing music, turned on my coffee pot, and pulled my yoga mat outside. Yoga is not about the physical movement. It is the pure connection to your heart, mind, and soul.
The pose in the picture is Frog Pose (Mandukasana), an amazing hip opener. I have never been a person that could attempt my middle splits. My middle splits and I have a love hate relationship. It is true though that the pose you avoid is the one you need the most. I am working towards my middle splits and that means, more Frog Pose.
I sit in this pose for 2 minutes, then rest for 1 minute. This is repeated 5 times, and with each stretch, the deeper you will go. Allow yourself to relax and no need to push yourself in this pose. Your body will naturally sink into your mat.
- Improves posture
- Opens hips and thighs
- Stimulates digestion
Enjoy your beautiful Sunday!