When we start to accept that our anatomy is unlike any other person, we can appreciate certain yoga poses. Why does our anatomy play a role in how we transition or complete a pose?

Some of us may be built with longer torsos and shorter legs and getting into Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose could be difficult. We also may have femurs that are larger or slanted differently. I know some people who are born with Osgood-Schlatter disease that makes it very painful to kneel, which could mean that table top (cat/cow) should be removed from their practice or find ways to provide cushion for kneeling. The difference in our bodies may impact the poses we are utilizing, but overall, we can modify these poses to help continue the practice safely and comfortably.

Some of us may have injuries that have occurred at some point in our life as well. Since I was 12 years old, certain arm movements have been difficult or painful due to a collar bone fracture. I am unable to fold my hands in reverse prayer pose as my right shoulder cannot turn fully to complete this pose. Rather than torture myself trying to complete this pose, I will take a modification. Our injuries need to be handled with thoughtfulness and love, but we don't want to lose our mobility. Our mobility is what keeps us going in life.
For a while, my ego used to get in the way of my yoga practice. What I mean is, even though my body wasn't prepared or able to do a certain pose, I would strain myself to complete it. In the end though, my body would pay for it. For the Prayer Pose that I find difficult, I now use a yoga strap that will allow me to stretch my shoulders rather than forcing a pose that my body is not ready to do.
You will find that all of my newer videos on my website include ways to modify poses, to decrease or eliminate the strain in your back, shoulders, hips, knees. I know from personal experience that when I do not enjoy a pose, I sometimes will stay away from the pose. But honestly, the pose you are ignoring is probably one of the poses you really need in your practice. Let me help you find a way to modify the poses that you are putting aside during your practice.
I am working on bringing other forms of practices that can help bring relief to the knees, back, and hips, using Yin Yoga. Please visit my Asana Videos that I have provided that include: Chair Yoga, Yoga for Hamstrings, Grounding Yoga, and more. If there is something specific you are looking for, please email me! I provide group and individual yoga sessions.
Time to give your body the self love that it needs. Practice in your Own Home. This is your Journey. Your Practice.