How often do you find yourself wanting to start your fitness journey, but get turned off because you don't feel you look right or feel uncomfortable?
Let me start with validating your feelings as the fitness industry can be intimidating for so many of us. When you find a trainer that is marketing their body physique, it can intimidating for those that are comparing themselves to that trainer or peers. Some will skip right by that advertisement thinking that they will never have that body. I want to help be the change to the way we think about fitness by pushing a different message for the importance of fitness.
Comparison is a thief. Even myself as a yoga teacher, I used to constantly compare my teachings and the number of students I was getting compared to some of my other fellow yoga teachers. It wasn't that long ago that I realized that what I am teaching on Ethereal Yoga App isn't like most yoga classes. I created a space in my yoga teachings to offer students ways to modify their yoga practice. I want all of my students to connect with themselves while realizing that the poses in yoga are not for looks. They are for healing, grounding, connecting, stretching, releasing, and so much more.
Why does fitness need to be part of everyone's life? It doesn't matter your age, body type, or stamina. Spending even as little as 10 min working out or stretching is better than nothing. While most think about exercise being for body image, it is extremely helpful for anyone with anxiety and depression, as it releases natural cannabinoids and other natural brain chemicals that can help decrease these symptoms.
Not feeling our best is a vicious cycle. When we don't feel good, we sleep less, eat for our mood, and we may not even have the best mood. Naturally our body also continues to have wear and tear as we get older. There are certain stretches and yoga poses that can increase the release of fascia to help decrease joint pain. This is still considered fitness and exercise, which in time will increase your mood, energy, and help you get better rest.
Let's not forget that exercise is not just working out and stretching, but stop at your local trail and walk amongst the beauty of the world. Go to your local pool and swim some laps. There are so many ways that you can incorporate some form of exercise and you will be happy you did. Start your journey to feeling better today. It starts one day at a time, and every day is a new day.