Looking for a fun project for kids. This is one that will teach them the growth process of a plant where they can see something changing everyday.
Since my main source of food I eat is from plants, I have learned how to re-purpose certain foods that I purchase from the store. Today I will share how you can purchase one stock of green onions from any store and regrow them from the same stem multiple times.
The video below will walk you through the simple steps and timing. Green Onions is one of the easiest plants I have re-purposed and the fastest to grow. In less than 2 weeks you will have new onions you can use.
Here is what you will need:

1 stock of green onions (used, only the stems needed for this. So use t
hem for dinner before you start)
One cup of water
Soil (best if it is specific for vegetables)
Small Pot
Sunshine & Water
#gardening #growfood #greenonions #repurpose #garden #gardenofvegan #gardener #gardenlife #plants #plantlife #nature