I realize that it has been a while since I added new content to this website. My family and I have been working at kicking ass at our goals. Dreams that we have envisioned for a very long time are finally here, coming to a reality. Growing older, I truly feel that we become wiser, but we also start understanding that life is short. So while we are working to create the life that we have, maybe there is something different your heart is passionate about.
Sometimes we get so caught up in our age and where we are at in life. To the point that we feel our dreams and desires are too late to start. Or sometimes we are extremely comfortable and we are terrified to step out of our comfort zone. Repeat after me. 'I am brave. I am a warrior. I am ready. I am unstoppable.' When we are little, our parents tell her to reach for the stars. There is nothing written that says that we cannot reach for them after we hit a certain time or age in our life.
So what do I have next up my sleeve? Well, certain things I cannot share just yet because it is too soon. However, I am extremely excited to share that I am currently taking a 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training. As soon as I earn a Yoga Alliance Certification, I will provide online yoga classes and new videos through my website. I have wanted to understand and learn how yoga helps our bodies internally and externally. It wasn't until I thought I tore or strained my glute that I realized I wanted to understand how I could help others who are trying to heal their bodies. My glute pain was actually caused by my lower back pinching my nerves. Everything inside of us is connected, and even though the pain may be in a specific part of our body, the area that may cause the pain can be in a different zone of the body.
So I continue to learn the Anatomy, forms of Yoga, props and adjustments as part of the training I am receiving. Although I consider myself to be self taught, I also realize that there are practices and understandings that I would have never received through reading or watching videos. I am honestly so grateful for having this opportunity and to have an extremely supportive family that cheers me on.