This weekend I was on a mission to switch bed sets from one daughter's bedroom to another daughter's bedroom. All the lifting, bending, maneuvering, left me last night wondering how I was going to feel this morning. As soon as I awoke, I felt the soreness in my muscles, and then 30 minutes into getting ready, my back was already letting me know it was not in the right place.
I did not think that at age 39 that I would have to lay on the floor and stretch out my back using a twist motion to start my day, EVERY DAY. I have always been limber and fit, but having back pain has proven to impact my life in more than one way. I have to be extremely careful with how I twist or lift things. When I cross my legs one way, I switch to the other leg to balance it out. Keep the doTERRA deep blue in stock for those difficult nights. Remembering that Movement is medicine all on its own. Plus finding the best positions to sleep in are very slim pickings. I am pretty sure that there is a large percentage of you that know what I mean.
When I originally started suffering, the pain lasted for 6 months straight. I was still practicing yoga for what my body would allow and then would feel depressed from my body not being able to do poses I have always been able to do. Driving 1.5 hours to work and sitting in a chair it took no time for my leg to go numb. Then driving home 1.5 hours and getting home with my leg continuing to feel like it had little to no circulation, my right glute on fire, I would find myself crying. Not from it hurting but fear sometimes takes over in these moments and you start to wonder if you will ever feel better again. But I just didn't talk about it.
The silence is real. I originally thought I pulled my glute muscle and had told certain people in my family. As soon as they would ask me how I was doing, I was masking all of my tears and pain, with something that sounded like "I am doing better". I didn't want to be a complainer. When you are in pain, all day, every day, it would be the main thing on your mind to talk about. So I acted as though I was healing and going through a process.
It wasn't until I finally gave in to see my first ever chiropractor that I finally started on my journey to healing. I had tried acupuncture 3 times, and that seemed to help a little for a day or 2. But by the third day, it was back. I chose to find holistic ways to heal my back. I have never really taken medicine unless it is really necessary. Decreasing the inflammation in my body was the top priority for me. So I started to see a chiropractor 3 times a week and it was helping a lot. Like I couldn't believe how much relief I was getting. I was already eating very clean and sticking to mainly plant-based. Of course, you can't stop me from eating sushi or cooked salmon though, but 99% of the time I am eating veggies, fruit, and zero poultry or beef. I also quit dairy as I read that it increases inflammation in the gut. And it is very true, the gut is where it all starts.

Well, as our country started to shut down, I was unable to see my chiropractor. I was now panicking on if my body was going to go back to the same place it was in not that long ago. In Pain. So rather than getting negative about it, I decided to use the same position my chiropractor used. Very similar to a supine twist. So this has been my daily routine every morning. It is a before coffee movement. Most things don't come before coffee, but this is an exception. This might not be the pose that will bring you relief, but some self-love stretching of the body is better than zero stretchings.
So while it isn't often that we even know when someone is dealing with chronic pain, there is a large percentage in this world that are living with it. YOU are not alone. This is why I decided to start providing on-demand classes for those that want to have light movement in their practice. Movement is a form of medicine, and understanding that every bone and muscle is connected in some way. I even provide chair yoga for anyone that needs that. Plus, if there is something I don't have on my website that you are looking for, please email me.
Believe me, chronic pain isn't easy to deal with and we definitely can get into a cycle that is hard to get out of. I say that chronic pain can kiss my ass. That is my attitude these days. Reminding myself that our bodies are resilient and have the ability to heal with the right foods, a little movement, and finding the balance that brings you joy and happiness. You have the power to HEAL!
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