Finishing up an email and feeling that overwhelming sense of pain right at the finish line. Your wrists are begging you to turn off your computer, put down your phone, and don't even think about opening the jar of pickles for your child. This reminds me when I was majorly suffering from Tennis Elbow.

I was practicing handstands every moment I had available, but I failed to stretch my wrists before and after. We have over 100 ligaments in our wrist and hands, and our hands are used endlessly throughout the day. As soon as I went to open a pickle jar and struggled to make a closed fist, I couldn't imagine how so many have suffered from this pain.
That evening, I put heat on my forearm and decided to rest it, but what was I going to do to heal and prevent from this happening again. I researched stretches that I have incorporated into my weekly yoga practice which has helped me tremendously.
I have decided to share my preventative practice with you directly on my YouTube Channel. Even if you have never had either of these, giving your wrists and hands some major love can help you in the long run, helping to prevent injuries.
Subscribe To My YouTube Channel Today: Ethereal Yoga Channel
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Please note that if you have major inflammation, you should speak to your doctor before doing these wrist stretches.